Aligned ICTs to the CEFR in the Cuban foreign language teaching program.


  • Denis Raúl Cardoso Rodríguez Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas, Cuba


This study examines integrating information and communication technologies (ICTs) into foreign language teacher preparation aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) standards at a Cuban university. A mixed methods approach combined surveys, interviews, assessments and observations to evaluate effects on trainees’ communicative competence development, interpreting uneven gains across reading, writing, listening and speaking abilities. Questionnaire and assessment analysis evidenced perceived and actual progress towards CEFR alignment among fifth year versus first year students resulting from sustained ICT incorporation over their progression. However variability disadvantages persisted in some competencies. Qualitative insights emphasized technology’s enablement of contextualized practice and real-world application as instrumental for competence growth. Despite affirmative outcomes overall, optimizing consistency by motivation and engagement-focused implementations is recommended. Intensive, systematic ICT integration shows potential for helping future foreign language teachers attain key standards-based competencies. Findings inform initial teacher training advancement in Cuba and beyond.



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How to Cite

Rodríguez, D. R. C. . (2024). Aligned ICTs to the CEFR in the Cuban foreign language teaching program. TESOL and Technology Studies, 5(1), 20–25.