The Effect of Ownership Structure on Company Performance: Evidence from Emerging Market
Ownership structure, Company Performance, IndiaAbstract
This paper uses panel data to examine the impact of ownership structure index on the financial performance of 73 listed companies of the Indian national stock exchange from 2009 to 2016. To measure the Panel Regression in this study, the FEM model was used. The different dimensions of the ownership structure index involve ten items used as the Independent variable of this study. Two measures have been adopted to estimate the firm performance that is; ROA and ROE. In contrast, the control variables are firm size and leverage. This study's empirical evidence shows that the ownership structure index has significant impact on a firm's performance measured by ROA and ROE of Indian Nifty 100 listed companies. Findings of this study support previous empirical studies performed and add some value in the research area of finance that explores different aspects of the board of directors' index and ownership structure index in Indian market by using Nifty 100 as an example.
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