


Gumboro, Salmonella, Optimal control, Numerical Simulation


Poultry production contributes immensely to the economic growth of a country. For instance in Kenya, 20
tonnes of poultry meat worth 3.5 billion kenya shillings and 1.3 billion eggs worth 9.7 billion Kenya Shillings
come from this sector. However, the sector is greatly threatened by poultry diseases among them, Gum-
boro(IBD) and Salmonella as inadequate knowledge exists of optimal control strategies for various poultry
co-infections. In this research, a Gumboro-Salmonella co-infection mathematical model with optimal control
is developed using a system of ODEs to perform an optimal control analysis. The analysis was done by for-
mulating an optimal control problem and using Pontryagin’s maximum principle to solve it. The Numerical
simulation results showed that the best Gumboro-Salmonella co-infection control strategy involved combining
all the interventions


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How to Cite

Musaili, J., Chepkwony, I., & Mutuku, W. (2024). A GUMBORO-SALMONELLA CO-INFECTION MATHEMATICAL MODEL WITH OPTIMAL CONTROL. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Modeling, 5(3), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.48185/jmam.v5i3.1241


